
Monday, August 16, 2010

'Sad Day for America'

According to the mini-mayor of New York City, considering the wishes of 9/11 families and the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers now translates into a "sad day for America."

Actually it was a sad day when we elected the clown in the White House.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says it would be "a sad day for America" if opponents successfully kill plans for a mosque proposed near the World Trade Center site.

Bloomberg has been among a few outspoken elected officials supporting the plans for an Islamic center and mosque two blocks from ground zero.

On Friday, President Barack Obama also backed the right for the developers to build a mosque there. He added over the weekend that he was not commenting on the wisdom of building a mosque close to ground zero.

Some have said it is insensitive because the terrorists who struck the buildings in 2001 were Islamic extremists.
Some have said it's insensitive?

The text of his latest lecture is here. Why don't I believe this part?
Last night, my girlfriend and I were having dinner in a restaurant. A guy comes up, just back from two tours in Afghanistan and said, you know, that’s what we’re fighting for over there.”
Bloomberg pretends he doesn't want to involve himself in when or where people worship, yet he's the same guy who wants to monitor your sodium intake.

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