Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Burn Or Not Burn?
The burning question of the day seems to be whether a small church in Florida should go ahead with it's planned event to burn at least one Koran, different reports have different numbers on just how many of the terrorists handbooks should be burned. Guess I tipped my hand there.
Today the old dinosaur media is running the story of how Gen Petraeus and some of the other commanders with actual skin in the game feel about this event. They see a growing resentment in Afghanistan since news of this has made it over there and hope the church will rethink their plans. They cite a very real threat to the soldiers serving and possible long term impacts to what they are trying to accomplish. I respect their opinion greatly and thus am left in a position that is most uncomfortable.
I don't for one second believe that the Taliban or Al-Queda will quit for one second in their pursuit of killing Americans. The question is will it give them more cult followers willing to strap on explosives and become part of the red spray parade that is emblematic of the Islamic faith. I am tired of being told that we need to be sensitive to the Muslim culture. I am sick and tired of handing this fight to them all in the name of not offending their delicate nature.
I think we have seen how delicate their feelings are in the constant stream of stories of them gassing girls in schools. beheading those who disagree, stoning of women for the pleasure of a machismo society they have, and the very graphic stories of the torture chambers and houses which hold their prisoners.
Somewhere there has to be a line drawn in the sand and the civilized western world as got to tell the barbarians that we will no longer agree to their demands and extortion or pay their protection money. Allowing them to dictate the terms under which we are allowed to act is the same as living by their rules. In other words it is sharia by stealth.
I will really worry about Muslim sensitivities when I see a Catholic cathedral built in Saudi Arabia, when possession of a Bible in an Arab country is not subject to the death penalty and murderers of civilians are not heralded as heroes.
Afterthought: Maybe I am just in a bad mood because today we are burying two service members from the local area, one Marine and one soldier, who were killed in Afghanistan recently. Some how burning a Koran just doesn't rate up there.
I wish to remind folks that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of the management, Jammie in other words, and are mine solely, so please direct the comments and the hate mail to the appropriate party.
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