
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When Tearing Pages Out of the Koran Is Acceptable

This is the face of the enemy we are fighting and the tactics they employ. The left in this country, who no doubt has been the source of amusement and entertainment of the Taliban and their ilk, just can't seem to be bothered with recognizing this aspect of the wonderful religion of peace.
From 3- and 4-year-olds used as human shields or to gather spent cartridges, to teenagers offered motorcycles for planting roadside bombs, children are being used more and more to fight Americans here, Marines say.

“We’ve seen children actually dropping mortar rounds in the (firing) tubes against us,” says Lt. Col. Michael Manning, commander of the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment that is rotating home after seven months in this hilly northern district of Helmand province.

I’ve never seen a culture that cares so little for human life. They [The Taliban] truly don’t care unless it impacts their own personal family,” says Manning, who has lost 13 Marines and seen 127 wounded since March.
When will the media and the progressives in this country who fancy themselves better then everybody else cause they have some sort of imaginary "moral high ground" finally come to grips the truth on the ground? They are being used, but I guess just like every other addict until they can admit they have a problem they can't begin the road to recovery. The addiction in this case is their blind allegiance to promoting a socialist agenda.

Speaking of addicts.
At a remote firebase east of here, a squad leader, Sgt. John Ellis, says he found children selling heroin dosages wrapped in torn pages of the Koran in the village streets.
Sort of makes all that hoopla last week over the minister, who is a fool, with his little stunt seem nothing more then a crisis fabricated for our western consumption with our newsreader overlords vastly over-inflating the story.

Here is a little test for you. See if you can spot the good guys and the bad guys in these photos.

How is that view from your moral high ground? One side murders, maims, and tortures women and children while the other side offers themselves up as human shields to protect them.

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