
Monday, September 13, 2010

Your Brain on Liberalism: 'Do It for Bieber'

You could well wind up with brain damage sitting through the entire 1:17 presentation here but it's a useful exercise if only to see how desperate these Democrats are heading into the midterms. Figures the idiots behind this are part of the Hitler Soros Youth so throwing away money on idiotic efforts is nothing new.
Internet-savvy types know that teen heartthrob Justin Bieber pretty much rules the internet. Just last week, rumor spread that Bieber’s fan base was so active on Twitter that the microblogging website has servers dedicated just to him. Twitter didn’t confirm, but they didn’t deny it, either.

The takeaway? If you're trying to get a message to go viral, your success rate will surely be higher if you can somehow tie-in the Biebs.

So that’s just what Campus Progress, the college spinoff of the Center for American Progress, decided to do to get people to vote in the midterms.

The organization is highlighting a submission to its VoteAgain2010 video contest that argues, while Bieber can't vote in our midterms (he's both too young and too Canadian), shouldn't you?

"This isn't your standard election year video of celebrities asking you to vote," the ad says. "It's us, asking you to vote for celebrities who can't, celebrities like Justin Bieber. Bieber's too young to vote, yet whomever we elect in the 2010 midterm elections will impact his future and ours. ... So tell your parents, your grandparents, your Facebook friends ... If they won't do it for you, ask them to do it for Bieber."
I can't wait for the video spoofs of this one. Surely they're already in production.

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