
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Dethroned Queen Pelosi to Discuss Devastation With Diane Sawyer

I'm almost tempted to watch what's sure to be a sobfest as hard-hitting journalist Diane Sawyer helps poor Nancy come to grips with the harsh reality she may soon have to fly coach.
Outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) will sit for an interview Wednesday with ABC News as House Democrats wait for a decision on her future in Congress.

The decimated Democratic caucus is “in a holding pattern,” one Democratic aide said Wednesday, hours after the party suffered a landslide loss of their House majority

Unlike Republicans, who are now jockeying for leadership posts in the 112th Congress, House Democrats are keeping their powder dry until they get a signal from Pelosi, who has given no indication of whether she intends to remain in the party leadership or stay in Congress at all.
Based on Tuesday night's ABC coverage, expect nothing less than a softball sympathy session.
Shortly after ABC News projected the Republican takeover of the House of Representative, co-anchors George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer, plus Democratic contributor Donna Brazile, waxed effusive of Nancy Pelosi, the object of so many voters’ ire. “President Obama called her a rock, the rock for the White House,” Sawyer enthused.

Sawyer also twice admired how Pelosi once said she took the job “to be in the arena,” exclaiming: “She will not be a footnote in history, no matter what happens.” Stephanopoulos quickly agreed: “That is absolutely right.”
The least Pelosi could do after "leading" her party to a historical defeat is stand up and face the media rather than having a Twinkie-munch Sisters of Sob moment with someone so sympathetic.

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