
Monday, February 07, 2011

The Future for Olberdork: 'He and His New Partners Will Make an Exciting Announcement Regarding the Next Chapter in His Remarkable Career'

His remarkable career? What's remarkable is why anyone would employ an angry misogynist who's been fired so many times. And what's so remarkable going to some television nonentity that makes MSNBC look like a cable juggernaut in comparison?
Keith Olbermann, the former top-rated host of “Countdown” on the news channel MSNBC, will announce his next television home on Tuesday, and people familiar with his plans pointed Monday to a possible deal with the public affairs channel Current TV.

Neither Mr. Olbermann, his representatives, or executives from Current TV would comment on the move, but they did not deny that the channel, which counts former Vice President Al Gore as one of its founders, will become at least one partner in Mr. Olbermann’s future media plans.

One of the people with knowledge of the plans said Mr. Olbermann would have an equity stake in Current TV. The people insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized by their employers to comment in advance of the official announcement.

On Monday a public relations agency hired by Mr. Olbermann scheduled a Tuesday morning conference call for an announcement about his next job. “He and his new partners will make an exciting announcement regarding the next chapter in his remarkable career,” the agency wrote in an e-mail.
Al Gore and Olbermann: Perfect together.


  1. A pair that would beat a Royal Flush!  They're perfect for each other.  A match made in Heaven.  Insert other cliches. 

  2. FishFearMe10:04 AM

    Can we start calling these two asswipes "Albermann" now?


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