
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Heartless: Obama Cuts Energy Assistance to the Poor

Why do Democrats hate poor people so much? So heartless. So cruel.
President Obama’s proposed 2012 budget will cut several billion dollars from the government’s energy assistance fund for poor people, officials briefed on the subject told National Journal.

It's the biggest domestic spending cut disclosed so far, and one that will likely generate the most heat from the president's traditional political allies. Such complaints might satisfy the White House, which has a vested interest in convincing Americans that it is serious about budget discipline. One White House friend, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), earlier today said a Republican proposal to cut home heating oil counted as an "extreme idea" that would "set the country backwards." Schumer has not yet reacted to Obama's proposed cut.
Gee, I wonder why?

In reality, Obama's alleged cuts are mere chump change.


  1. Alex Dunham9:18 PM

    That's the thing - this sort of cut is chump change, and yet cutting it will have a significant negative impact on people who need it.  This is the sort of program we should keep - specific use of money to solve a specific problem.  The programs that need to be cut/changed are Defense, Social Security, and Medicare.

  2. Delayna8:33 AM

    Defense is actually in the Constitution (I'm sure there's waste that can be cut, but who can we trust to pick it out?).  Social Security and Medicare aren't in the Constitution, but they have been extorted from us and the people who are currently retired don't have a choice and can't go back in time and invest the money stolen from them.

    If you really want to get a grip on entitlements, de-federalize all welfare programs.  No federal funding, no federal taxation, no federal administration or rules.  Let the states figure out how to pay for it--the blue states will just sink that much faster, the red states will get a grip on the programs.  My dream would be no welfare for unmarried mothers!

  3. realwest10:08 AM

    "It's the biggest domestic spending cut disclosed so far, and one that will likely generate the most heat from the president's traditional political allies."
    Now if they could only harness that heat and give it away to the poor, that would be a good thing.
    Regrettably, as is usual with the Progressives, their heat usually generates little warmth and no light.

  4. radishthegreat2:14 PM

    They can huddle around their 42" TVs for warmth.

  5. drfredc12:28 AM

    Oh come on.   Obama will make up for it by offering free gubermint sweaters to the poor -- probably part of a deal to be made in China.  

    Another option would be to increase food stamps so the poor can get as fat as artic walruses... But farmers are focusing on growing cornahol, ...

    If it weren't for global warming making winters so cold and snowy, this wouldn't be necessary...  

  6. Veronica Blake3:39 PM

    Cutting the energy assistance program doesn't seem very wise to me. It's a $5.1million dollar program now, right? Cutting it down to $2.5 million will maybe pay the salaries of a few the cost of some people freezing all winter. My question- why cut THIS? Why not stop sending Egypt the $1.4 billion we send EVERY YEAR? Maybe it's be blonde in me, but this just doesn't make a lot of sense.

  7. MoMama3:40 PM

    <span>Cutting the energy assistance program doesn't seem very wise to me. It's a $5.1million dollar program now, right? Cutting it down to $2.5 million will maybe pay the salaries of a few the cost of some people freezing all winter. My question- why cut THIS? Why not stop sending Egypt the $1.4 billion we send EVERY YEAR? Maybe it's be blonde in me, but this just doesn't make a lot of sense.</span>


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