
Monday, February 14, 2011

Thousands of Iranians Rally for Freedom

Somehow I get the feeling a fresh Iranian uprising won't be getting the same amount of attention from the media as the events in Egypt did the past several weeks. Probably because the extremist Islamic state will crush dissent and murder the opposition. Since our media is so eager to award Obama credit for events in Egypt, will he get the blame when dissent in Iran is stifled? Of course not.
IRANIAN protesters took to the streets of capital Tehran for a major rally overnight in support of Arab revolts, while fresh anti-government protests were reported in Yemen and Bahrain.

By midday local time, more than 4000 people gathered in central Tehran's Azadi Square, with many more streaming in, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Anti-riot police on motorbikes armed with riot shotguns, tear gas, batons, paintball guns and fire extinguishers were deployed in parts of the capital as authorities feared the rally could turn into an anti-government demonstration, AFP reported.

The Iranian regime also barred opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi from attending the rally by blocking his house with police vans and vehicles, his website reported.

Iran previously backed the Arab uprisings, but the interior ministry refused to permit the opposition rally because officials believed it was a ploy to stage fresh anti-government demonstrations as seen in 2009 after the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Some video of the lead-up to protests can be found here.

Update: Police are using tear gas on the protesters. What a surprise.
Eyewitnesses report that sporadic clashes have erupted in central Tehran's Enghelab or Revolution square between security forces and opposition protesters.

The demonstrators were chanting "death to the dictator," referring to the country's hardline president that the opposition beleives was reelected through fraud in 2009.
The scene is described as total chaos.

Instapundit links. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Paul Rogers11:45 AM

    Perhaps the mullahs banning Valentine's Day was the proverbial straw that broke this camel's back...
    Maybe the women of Iran finally said, 'Enough is enough.'


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