
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Today in Obama Lies: Michelle Claims Her Husband Doesn't Dye His Hair

I guess she figures enough idiots bought the story about him allegedly not smoking any more, so why not just keep making up tall tales?
First Lady Michelle Obama addressed recent speculation about whether the president dyes his hair during an interview Wednesday on NBC's Today Show.

"Is he dyeing his hair?" host Matt Lauer asked the First Lady after showing her pictures snapped last month of the president's coif.

"No," she replied. Obama then commented that her husband looked "pretty gray" in the images shown. "I think if he had known he would be president, he would have started dyeing his hair ten years ago," she added.
The stooge Lauer slobbers all over her.

Tomorrow she'll tell us he shoots a 37 for 18 holes on the golf course, same as his bowling average, is really a fiscal conservative and has never raised taxes. Oh wait, he took care of that lie.


  1. Flight-ER-Doc4:11 PM

    Of course he doesn't dye his hair:  He has people that do it for him...

  2. Michael Ryan9:45 PM

    Dude, it's all a matter of the stage lighting.  Unless you're also suggesting he dyes his skin.  His skin tone on those photos is also nowhere near the same from shot to shot. Front lit his hair looks black.  When the lights are above him, a lot of it is reflected off his shiny little head, giving the gray tone.

  3. Really highlights her character regarding HER claims HE quit smoking (cigarettes), too!

    To confess puts them in a worse light if they have to start explaining the choices of WHEN and WHY he leaves, or dyes his hair GREY! To try to attempt to look more sober and serious, less childish.

  4. FrankG10:42 PM

    Does this ass make my husband look big?

  5. FrankG10:42 PM

    you keep on with that Kool-Aid in a sippycup


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