
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

64% Say America on the Wrong Track

Ouch. In poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos 64% of Americans polled say America is on the wrong track since TOTUS took office and began scratching golf courses off of his bucket list. As with all of these right track/wrong track poll they don't include any indication of what the right track is considered. The pollsters also blame it on the rise in gas prices. Convenient bogeyman, but this is the result of the cumulative effect of everything that has transpired since the Obama-led Democrats seized power and engaged in an orgy of spending and ignoring the voices of the people. That number also probably also reflects everyone who at one time or another has been named to Obama's worst person list.


  1. uncledan2:08 PM

    The other 36% could only scream "Fox News lies! Palin is an idiot! Jail Cheney!"

  2. Shambhala6663:13 PM

    Even so I bet a large amount of these vote Dem without thinking.

  3. southernsue3:15 PM

    you would have to be living in a cave not to have noticed this.

    he needs to go, along with his evil ilk including duncey biden.
    we are the laughing stock of the world because we let the american idol bunch elect our president. yes, we were sleeping behind the tv, but now we are all wide awake and i pray that we will be rid of this horrible administration come 2012!

  4. James Hlavac5:08 PM

    When gay marriage is more popular than the president -- 52% approval for us, only 45% or so like him -- that sure says something about how bad he is. We've never been the popular ones, after all.

    And when 64% can see that the whole country is headed for some disaster of enormous proportions, to spend a moment more on the one issue that is unrelated to it all seems sort of silly. Us 20,000,000 certainly have nothing to do with this; we'd still be around presenting our unique problem even if everything was perfect and Sarah Palin was president. We're an emotional problem, not financial, law or public policy.

    Maybe someone should tell Mr. Boehner that. I'd really rather have him worry about my taxes, job and safety as a citizen than my smooching as a person.

  5. drfredc7:00 PM

    Golf -- Best thing for the nation -- Get the Bamster a new set of Clubs and a full set of tee times every day, sunrise to sunset... 


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