
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Commemorate the Royal Wedding of Harry and Kate


Come to think of it, they'll probably be collector's items.

Via Tim Blair.


  1. Rhymes With Right9:16 AM

    Oh dear -- hope they haven't shipped yet.

  2. President AWSOME still not invited?

  3. rich b5:19 PM

    Of course the Omama's were not invited to the young Prince's wedding. The British royal family live in horror imagining the type of gifts the Omama's might give. Can you imagine Hussein and Michelle showing up and giving the young couple a one year subscription to a British tabloid or something like that? Or perhaps a camera - just like the one's the Paparazzi use. I could actually imagine the Omama's doing something stupid and tacky like that.

    Nope, there are many good reasons they weren't invited besides the cloddish behavior and insults to our British friends by the Omama regime. Michelle might show up in her "cake dress" and wearing her size eleven Vans and Barack would probably wear a rented Tux with a snap-on tie. Hussein has no clue as to diplomatic protocols and the Royals know it. I wouldn't want those two shit-stains showing up and ruining my wedding either.

    It's going to take some time to repair the damaged relations between the U.S. and the U.K. because of Omama and his disrespect to the Brits. His ignorance and tacky behavior makes me want to puke. Thank goodness his regime will end in two years. Until then he can go golfing and keep out of the Oval Office where he causes so many problems.

  4. rich b5:22 PM

    In reply to Mats below:

    <span>Of course the Omama's were not invited to the young Prince's wedding. The British royal family live in horror imagining the type of gifts the Omama's might give. Can you imagine Hussein and Michelle showing up and giving the young couple a one year subscription to a British tabloid or something like that? Or perhaps a camera - just like the one's the Paparazzi use. I could actually imagine the Omama's doing something stupid and tacky like that.  
    Nope, there are many good reasons they weren't invited besides the cloddish behavior and insults to our British friends by the Omama regime. Michelle might show up in her "cake dress" and wearing her size eleven Vans and Barack would probably wear a rented Tux with a snap-on tie. Hussein has no clue as to diplomatic protocols and the Royals know it. I wouldn't want those two shit-stains showing up and ruining my wedding either.  
    It's going to take some time to repair the damaged relations between the U.S. and the U.K. because of Omama and his disrespect to the Brits. His ignorance and tacky behavior makes me want to puke. Thank goodness his regime will end in two years. Until then he can go golfing and keep out of the Oval Office where he causes so many problems.</span>


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