
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Democrats 'Targeting' Wisconsin Congressman

I thought the use of the word "target" was out of bounds in this new Age of Civility? Oh heck, who are we kidding. They've never been civil to begin with.
U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy has escaped the debate over Gov. Scott Walker's controversial measure to take away many of the collective bargaining rights of public employees.

But that's about to change.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is releasing an online ad targeting the first-term Wisconsin congressman for his ties to Walker and conservative businessmen David and Charles Koch.

Last month, Duffy's former chief of staff left to become state director of Americans for Prosperity, which helped organize tea party events in Wisconsin. The organization is financed by the billionaire Koch brothers.

Duffy's staff also confirmed that he will join Walker in attending the Lincoln Day Dinner in Washburn on Saturday. Officials have said they are expecting between 3,000 and 10,000 protesters.
The DCCC is suffering from a raging case of Koch Derangement Syndrome.
The Big Oil Billionaire Koch brothers’ controversial efforts to pass Governor Walker’s budget are spearheaded by none other than Representative Sean Duffy’s former Chief of Staff and Campaign Manager.

The oil billionaire Koch brothers have spent more than $100,000 to help elect Representative Sean Duffy in November. During his short time in Washington, Representative Sean Duffy has already voted twice to protect taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil.
In case their subtle message didn't creep through, the Koch brothers are oil billionaires or something.

If this fails, maybe they can send their menacing, drunk-driving union honcho after Duffy.

1 comment:

  1. ConservativeBC3:46 PM

    New Death Threats Against Republicans Uncovered


    Is this the hatred Nancy Pelosi was crying about?


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