
Monday, March 07, 2011

Stunner: Riot Breaks Out at Rap Awards Show

Actually, what would be stunning is if violence didn't erupt at one of these gatherings.
Arlington police say a brawl broke out during the DMV music awards ceremony, sending one person to a local hospital.

Police say five people were treated Saturday night at the scene of the awards ceremony, which honors local rap, hip-hop and R&B performers.

About 1,500 people attended the ceremony at the Crystal City Hyatt, and witnesses said more than 20 police vehicles responded to deal with a half dozen fights that broke out.


  1. gaultfalcon12:21 PM

    Just another day at the office?

  2. uncledan1:20 PM

    The funniest part was one of the commentators lamenting that only half the people got their awards before the fights broke out.

  3. Well, clearly, what caused this was poverty and 400 years living as a slave.


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