
Saturday, April 09, 2011

Good News: Schumer Pal Bernie Madoff Wants to Teach Ethics Courses

Bernie Madoff teaching ethics would be akin to his good buddy Chuck Schumer teaching a course at charm school.
Ponzi scheme mastermind Bernard Madoff claims academia is calling him - for help with ethics.

In a prison interview published in the Financial Times, Madoff said several business schools have approached him to "work on ethics courses."

He said his sights were set on Harvard and Northwestern.

A spokesman for Harvard told the Daily News that "it seems unlikely" Madoff meant the institution had reached out to him. Northwestern didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

For now, he'll have to stick to his job at the FCI Butner commissary, which inmates call the "money management department."

Madoff, prisoner 61727-054, began serving 150 years at the federal prison on July 14, 2009, after his $65 billion swindle unraveled.

After setting "ground rules," Madoff, 72, told his interviewers that he accepted responsibility for his shocking financial crime.

But Madoff - who also revealed that he passed the time by reading Danielle Steel romances - then went on to cite pressure from forces he couldn't control and to blame investors who should have known better.

Up until the 1987 market crash, Madoff told the magazine, he was getting legitimate returns on investments.

"The long-term gains started to evaporate," he said. "But they refused to close it out - they were greedy."
So was his extremist buddy Schumer, who greedily took over $100,000 from Madoff while he was running the DSCC. It's curious how a shameless media whore like Schumer never faced a minute of scrutiny for that.

Financial Times link here.

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