
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Losing the Present: Jobless Claims Surge

So much for winning the future. We can't even stay competitive right now.
New applications by workers seeking unemployment benefits climbed by 27,000 to a seasonally adjusted 412,000 in the week ended April 9, the Labor Department said Thursday. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had expected new applications for jobless benefits to drop to 380,000. The average of new claims over the past four weeks, meanwhile, rose by 5,500 to 395,750. A Labor Department spokesman said claims typically jump in the week following the end of a quarter.

Meanwhile, the president flies to Chicago on your tab today to raise money for his re-election.


  1. uncledan9:58 AM

    Obama can go on fundraising trips all he wants but don't think that the people don't see what is going on. Inflation has been here for a while no matter what our betters are being told to tell us. Everyone knows someone broke, unemployed or on the battlefield. All things remaining equal, Obama will get 40% of the vote in 2012. I don't see things getting better before then. Democrat leaders have to be losing a lot of sleep these days.

  2. dobermangang1:07 PM

    The economy is bad and getting worse.  Jobs are almost as hard to find as Obama's birth certificate.

  3. Hal (GT)2:09 PM

    Watch the housing market. That will tell us a lot as will keeping an eye on gold and silver (suggestion: ExactPrice, it's free).

    Anymore I'm feeling like it's all some great smoke and mirrors illussion. The whole thing over the gov shutting down or else was an example of what I mean. I'd like to say it's one party over the other but at this point all appear culpable to me.

  4. Bonfire of the Idiocies6:43 PM

    I read the title of this post too quickly and thought it said "We're losing the PRESIDENT"...   I thought to myself, "OMG, we're SAVED, the a**hole is quitting!"  Alas, no, but still, I have a dream...."


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