
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Oh My: Prosser Takes Commanding 7,381-Vote Lead in Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Strange how those random computer errors always tend to favor Democrats.

I expect union puppet Joanne Kloppenburg will deliver her concession speech any minute now.
After Tuesday night’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election, a computer error in heavily Republican Waukesha County failed to send election results for the entire City of Brookfield to the Associated Press. The error, revealed today, would give incumbent Supreme Court Justice David Prosser a net 7,381 votes against his challenger, attorney Joanne Kloppenburg. On Wednesday, Kloppenburg declared victory after the AP reported she finished the election with a 204-vote lead, out of nearly 1.5 million votes cast.
More at NRO, h/t Dan Riehl.


  1. drfredc7:18 PM

    Hmmm...  So was this a planned computer foulup to tip the Dems hands to generate only so many bogus votes to win by two hundred?   Either way, I suppose the next chapter would be for some Dem stronghold to step up and say "oh, lookie here, we messed up sending our votes in too".

  2. srdem658:44 PM

    aww,  and she gave that really nice speech and all.  So humble,

  3. FrankG9:56 PM

    throw water on her and her campaign will dissolve

  4. Wooohoooo!!!! She goes down....


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