
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rangel: Obama Budget 'Dangerous' and 'Immoral'

Geez, the way these people are talking you'd think Obama was some wild-eyed tea partier. Or as the dean of New York pols would say, an extremist.
New York's congressional delegation trashed President Obama's budget compromise Monday, calling it "irresponsible," "dangerous" and "immoral."

"What [Obama has] done politically does not fit what I think should be done morally," said Rep. Charles Rangel (D-Harlem), who signaled plans to vote against the budget this week. "My community got a lousy deal in view of the resources that this great nation has."

Obama reached an 11th-hour compromise late Friday that narrowly averted a government shutdown by slashing $38.5 billion in federal spending over the next six months.

It's not clear how much of that cut will affect New York - but local pols say the city will suffer more than most.

"The budget...will hurt New York City terribly," said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan). "Many of the things hurt like mass transit and public housing funds are particularly New York oriented."
Maybe Nadler should skip mass transit and walk around Manhattan. He could use the exercise.

1 comment:

  1. Jon19799:26 AM

    Nadler can fit down a subway entrance? I always guessed he moved around Manhattan in a Hostess bakery truck.


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