
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Faced With Reality, Whiny Liberal Storms off Fox Interview

Good grief, dude, man up. All the guy did was accuse you of pouting and you walk off?

It's just not possible to have an adult discussion with these people. In one breath, he tells the other guest to shut up. Then when he doesn't he storms off like a petulant child.

This guy was a former adviser to Bill Clinton. Maybe he ought to listen to his old boss.


  1. Kristi3:34 PM

    LOL!!!   :-D

  2. GayPatriot3:41 PM

    LOL.  Awesome!!!

  3. DANEgerus3:44 PM

    (D)ems cut Medicare $1/2 Trillion then claim (R)'s want to kill Grandma?  The partisan MainStreamMedia enables these frauds.  Fight the Lies!

  4. Richard Butler4:32 PM

    Typical whinny ass liberal bitch. Take your ball and go home asshole. I you hear something you don't like you just stomp off the set like a ten year old. How democrapic of you. I can't wait until Omama does the same thing sometime in the near future. And you can rest assured sooner or later he will. It's in his soul and make-up. One can see it if you look hard enough. Fucking lamer demorats.

  5. Richard Butler4:33 PM

    <span>Typical whinny ass liberal bitch. Take your ball and go home asshole. If you hear something you don't like you just stomp off the set like a ten year old. How democrapic (and mature) of you. I can't wait until Omama does the same thing sometime in the near future. And you can rest assured sooner or later he will. It's in his soul and make-up. One can see it if you look hard enough. Fucking lamer demorats.</span>

  6. uncledan5:09 PM

    Nelson points and goes,

    HA HA!


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