Considering the
$86 million haul Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama raked in for himself and the Democrats this quarter, these sure are harsh words of condemnation from former DNC Chairman Howard Dean.
"The way he raises money shows what kind of trouble democracy is in in this country"
Oh wait, he wasn't talking
about Obama, rather it was George W. Bush at a similar time during his first term.
The Democrats may be forced to make Mr Bush's financial superiority an issue. "The way he raises money shows what kind of trouble democracy is in in this country," said Howard Dean, another Democratic presidential candidate.
Hmm. Maybe the GOP contenders should make Obama's financial superiority an issue.
Don't you know that when a Republican raises money, it's because he's evil and in the pocket of big corporations, but when a Democrat does it, we should admire him for his popularity?