
Friday, October 14, 2011

More Fun With Hand Signals!

I thought maybe that idiot we showed from Portland the other day was one of a kind. Apparently not. Here's a group of blithering idiots from San Francisco demonstrating their own batch of hand signals.

Five-year-olds laugh at these people.



  1. scott3:17 PM

    This is the product of 60+ years of social engineering and public school / academic training? We are TOAST! :-E

  2. These Lord Of The Flies moments are why we devised a representative system of government.

    Poor dumb things. I wonder if they will look back in embarrassment.

    And, to my own kids - I thank god every day that you re not on of these stupid idiots.

  3. Coquimbojoe8:09 PM

    What is the singal for douchebag?

  4. Richard Butler2:43 AM

    Every fucking one of those wankers must be straight out of Hollywood Central Casting. Then again you have to consider the source - San Francisco. You have to remember that these are the children and grandchildren of the drug using/abusing hippies of the sixties. It explains everything. Damaged chromosomes.


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