
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Occupiers Now Relying on Pedal Power

Considering the awesome brain power on display here, it's a wonder these folks haven't secured a green energy loan from the Obama administration.


  1. billypaintbrush6:10 PM

    gimme, gimme, gimme.

    oh, and did I say, gimme, gimme, gimme? yeah, we hate money, unless you give it to us...

    thanks, send money

  2. Coquimbojoe6:18 PM

    Ahhh-ahhh-aaahh douche!

    The movement is not sustainable if your only source of income is begging.

  3. So these losers with 500,000 in the bank are asking for 8,000 for 10 bikes?  St Vinnie's is selling bikes for $50 each.

  4. TeaPartyatPerrysburg10:24 PM

    Mmmm that'll go great with about 10 inches of snow.

  5. TeaPartyatPerrysburg10:26 PM

    AND when are they going to stop begging for money? They have half a million dollars. They're GREEDY SOBs, to boot.

  6. $8,000 for 11 bicycle/generators to recharge laptops and cellphones?  Wow, I think I just found a new home business.

    And they wonder why they can't find jobs.  News flash:  A complete lack of real world skills tends to be detrimental to your financial future, no matter how much you spent on your Master's degree in Unicorn Biome Studies.

  7. Actually, let me rephrase that last part.... matter how much you borrowed from the taxpayers to spend on your Master's degree in Unicorn Biome Studies...

  8. USS Ben5:46 AM

    Think they'll find enough volunteers to actually do the pedalling? Seems like the worker bees (the one's that are actually willing to work in their kichens and who do the cleaning up) are already stretched too thin based on their own accounts and already pissed off that most of the OWSers refuse to chip in.

    Yeah, good luck with that, LOL!


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