
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yes He Can! Obama Manages To Utter a Sentence Without TOTUS

This must be some disaster preparedness in case the teleprompter gets jacked again.
Now it makes headlines when President Obama doesn't use his trademark Teleprompter.

Wrapping up his three-day bus tour of North Carolina and Virginia today, the president stopped at a Chesterfield firehouse to promote his jobs bill. "It is great to be at Fire Station Number 9 with some of Virginia's finest," the president said without the use of his Teleprompter.
The 15 hardest words he ever uttered, apparently.
The address came two days after on of his Teleprompter and other event equipment were stolen from a federal truck parked at a Richmond, Virginia hotel.

White House spokesman Jay Carney, however, told the press pool that the size of the small event dictated that the Teleprompter be left behind, not this week's theft.
They're apparently so dense they don't realize it's a running gag.

1 comment:

  1. Obama also announced that his administration has made all correct decisions.  LOL!!! Better get the Teleprompter back!


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