
Monday, November 27, 2006

Rangel: Stuck on Stupid

It's almost hard to believe the condescending arrogance of Democrats with their insults to the men and women who serve in the military. Surely someone who actually did serve should know better. However, being it was over 50 years ago in his case, it's obvious the man is out of touch with reality.

Study after study shows our military is the most highly educated it has ever been, yet, like John Kerry before him, Rangel continues to insult them by basically calling them stupid and were they given a choice, they would never serve. You can see the video here and here.

Anyone with common sense and decency can see the man is so far off the mark and should demand an apology, but one will never come. I can only add that I hope he and the Democrats keep it up, as their stay back in power will be short.

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