
Friday, March 23, 2007

The Goracle's Morality and Profits

A couple of good pieces from The American Thinker today further expose Al Gore as a fraud.

Why Did Global Warming Become a Moral Matter?
As a scientist, I find the current strategy of the global warming crusade to be fascinating. Particularly because I am a scientist, I also find it insulting. Everyone should find it very disturbing.

I am referring to the fact that the global warming issue is now regarded as a "moral" matter by its advocates. None other than The High Priest of Global Warming (Al Gore) has decreed it as such. Of course, there is some obvious humor in this because the liberals will also tell you that you "cannot legislate morality". Well, it does not take complicated logic to conclude that if global warming is indeed a moral matter and if it is true that you cannot legislate morality, then it should hold that you cannot legislate global warming.
The other piece underscores the profitability of Al Gore's obsession:

Global Warming's Patent Profitability
Al Gore is well schooled at manipulating the levers of power and money to his benefit. Heads or tails Al Gore almost never loses. It's been this way pretty much all his life. Starting when Daddy Al set up him in fine style, including an annuity from a Zinc Mine Pop finagled with Armand Hammer, the Communists' favorite capitalist, Al's always been well taken care of. By hook or crook, Gore has reputedly piled up more than $200 million in his bank account since his 2000 Presidential run.

It has been said that Donald Trump is an excellent example of what a shrewd man can accomplish when he inherits $40 million. Al Gore is also an excellent example of what one can accomplish with unusually good hereditary access to capital, of the monetary and political sort.

Mr. Gore's Capital Hill encore is the culmination of a long and well-financed campaign. Ostensibly, his purpose Wednesday was to outline a 10 point plan to combat what he declares is the coming catastrophe, more about which in due course. While his accomplices in the drive-by media slickly packaged up his appearance with fawning praise just in time for the evening news, the actual event was a far different story.
Read the rest of both.

Gore isn't the only one raking in obscene gobs of cash.
Wall Street insiders are abuzz over estimates that Bill Clinton alone may have roped in more than $200 million in funds from the Emir of Dubai and other individuals based in the United Arab Emirates.

"This includes personal funds, money paid into the Clinton Library charitable accounts, as well as money paid into the charitable organizations Clinton worked on for the Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina victims," says one knowledgeable Wall Street financier. "We're talking about a lot of money."
These greedy liberals just can never get enough of your tax money while they get fat and rich.

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