
Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's called a Confederate flag

Leroy Brooks: Hello, my name is Leroy Brooks. I am from Houston, Texas and my question is for all the candidates.

Whether this flag right here represents the symbol of racism, a symbol of political ideology, a symbol of Southern heritage -- or, is it something completely different?

Cooper: He's talking about the stars and bars.

Governor Romney?

Romney: Right now, with the kinds of issues we got in this country, I'm not going to get involved with a flag like that. That's not a flag that I recognize so that I would hold up in my room.

The people of our country have decided not to fly that flag. I think that's the right thing.


My own view is that this country can go beyond that kind of stuff, and that instead we can do as a party what we need to do, which is to reach out to all Americans.

Every time I listen to someone like John Edwards get on TV and say there are two Americans, I just want to -- I just want to throw something at the TV, because there are not two Americas. There's one America.

We are a nation united. We face extraordinary challenges right now. And Democrats dividing us and tearing down this country are doing exactly the wrong thing.

We're succeeding in Iraq. We've got tough challenges. We can overcome them. But we do not need to have that kind of divisive talk. And that flag, frankly, is divisive, and it shouldn't be shown.

Cooper: Governor Thompson? Excuse me, Senator Thompson? Maybe one day.

Thompson: I know that everybody who hangs the flag up in their room like that is not racist. I also know that for a great many Americans it's a symbol of racism.

So, therefore, as a public place -- he's free to do whatever he wants to in his home. As far as a public place is concerned, I am glad that people have made the decision not to display it as a prominent flag, symbolic of something, at a state capitol. As a part of a group of flags or something of that nature, you know, honoring various servicepeople at different times in different parts of the country, I think that's different.

But, as a nation, we don't need to go out of our way to be bringing up things that to certain people in our country that's bad for them.

The guy who asked this question is a Ron Paul supporter, big whoop. Why didn't he ask this of his candidate?
In a time long ago the Confederate Stars and Bars flag was a symbol of resolve, courage, and fierce independence. That was in the days before Jesse Jackson and his ilk managed to promote their campaign of hate and racism across the country blackmailing quite a few states and corporations along the way. Why is it that the flag is still worn by people trying to show their independence? It is not a symbol of racism and never has been. Neither candidate made any points among southerners, at least those who watched the debate, with their answers.
Neither one of them took the questioner to task for his false assertions rather they just let them go unchallenged. Fred gave it a half hearted attempt.
I remember a day and age when that flag accompanied with a hearty rebel yell would inspire fear in the hearts of your enemy or could be used to display a show of excitement that words were not adequate enough for.
I have never been a big Confederate flag waver, but I respected it. It epitomized what the south about. It is a link to our past, good, bad or indifferent. Now with the continuous bashing of the flag I, like a lot of my neighbors will be proudly displaying it right next to my American flag that flies outside my house.
I will not be shamed and I will not bow to some faux outrage and false associations hoisted by others upon what the flag represents.
And for what it worth here is a video from one of his friends according to his You Tube page.
Few things have gotten me real fired up, but if everybody continues to buy into this myth that the Confederate Flag is a symbol of racism this may not be the last you read of this topic from me. Gangsta rappers with pants around their knees, showing their butts in public and shooting people to get street cred for the release of their new album is far more offensive and might be something all you people wanting to burn the rebel flag might spend your energies on.
Here is your link to the video of him asking the question.

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