
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Second Shooter in RFK Assassination?

Hmm. Well, we've certainly seen the countless stories about there being a second shooter (or more) in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Now, however, a couple of forensic scientists claim there was a second shooter in the murder of Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles in June 1968.

Maybe someone will blame Bush.
Two forensic scientists have added their names to the list of people who don't believe Sirhan Sirhan acted alone when he shot Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.

Kennedy was gunned down on June 5, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. A gunman identified as Sirhan Sirhan was wrestled to the ground and later convicted as the man solely responsible for Kennedy's murder.

But doubts lingered and conspiracy theories took root that perhaps others were involved in Kennedy's death.
Naturally, these guys are peddling a book, so they're getting a ton of free publicity.
In their new book, "An Open and Shut Case," Robert Joling and Philip Van Praag say that after analyzing audio recordings of the assassination they concluded that at least 13 shots were fired. But the handgun Sirhan used only had the capacity to fire eight shots.

The critical piece of evidence, they say, is an audiotape recorded by a journalist who was traveling with Kennedy.

They also believe that the bullet that likely killed Kennedy entered from the back of his head and pierced his brain. Sirhan is believed to have fired his weapon as he faced the candidate.

"It can be established conclusively that Sirhan did not shoot Senator Kennedy. And in fact not only did he not do it, he could not have done it," Joling said.
Van Praag's "expertise" comes under serious scrutiny here.

Frankly, I don't think the American public wants to rehash this story, though there certainly is no shortage of conspiracy kooks out there.

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