
Friday, November 21, 2008

Is There An Expiration Date on Bush Derangement Syndrome?

We've all seen those moonbat-mobiles adorned with the 1-20-09 bumper stickers, and I firmly hope the affliction known as Bush Derangement Syndrome ceases that day, as the new President of Earth is sworn in and adoring masses freeze their asses off in DC. Alas, I fear we'll never be rid of BDS sufferers. After all, for any of The Messiah's failures, Bush will get the blame.

Today's installment of BDS comes from Peru, where apparently some folks are big fans of leftwing blogs.
PROTESTERS have demanded that US President George W Bush get out of Peru where he is attending an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, blaming him for the world economic crisis.

"Bush out," about 1000 demonstrators chanted in the centre of the capital Lima, watched by scores of police in riot gear who made sure they did not move towards the APEC summit venue several kilometres away.

"This crisis didn't come from the Peruvian people. We shouldn't have to pay for it," a union leader told the crowd, which demonstrated peacefully.

Mr Bush, one of 21 leaders of Asia-Pacific economies converging on Lima for the weekend summit, arrived shortly after the protest. He was escorted under tight US Secret Service and Peruvian police security from Lima airport to the army headquarters building housing the APEC meetings.

Friday's anti-Bush protest, organised by Peru's biggest labour union, charged that Mr Bush's decision to wage a costly war in Iraq contributed to the financial and economic crises.

"The International Criminal Court should try him for crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression," a big banner next to the main stage for the rally proclaimed.

"Bush - genocide. The Peruvians repudiate your crimes," said another.

"We believe that Bush is responsible for the fall of the financial system," explained Aldo Gil Cristostomo, a 54-year-old mechanic standing near other protesters carrying portraits of Che Guevara.
Aldo, apparently, has never heard of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.
"The war in Iraq is partly responsible for the fall," he said.

Mr Cristostomo added that, while he had more sympathy for Mr Bush's successor, Barack Obama, he believed the Democrat "is going to maintain the neo-liberal system" championed by the current US president.

Let us all pray once the third Clinton administration rolls around that Bush can ride off to his ranch and raise his middle finger to all these crackpots. He's handled himself with grace and dignity in the face of the most vicious character assault I can recall. History will judge him much better, I believe. His critics, on the other hand, will not be viewed kindly.

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