
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Clinton Plans 'Smart Mix' of Global Pandering While Rewarding Bill's Donors

Geez, her opening statement isn't even finished and the AP is telling us how smart she is.
At the threshold of the world stage as America's next top diplomat, Hillary Rodham Clinton is vowing to renew U.S. leadership through a "smart power" mix of diplomacy and defense.

In remarks prepared for delivery at her Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday, President-elect Barack Obama's choice to be secretary of state also promised to push for stronger U.S. partnerships around the globe.

"America cannot solve the most pressing problems on our own, and the world cannot solve them without America," she said. "I believe American leadership has been wanting, but is still wanted."
Even the guy who lusted for the job assumes the position.
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., chairman of the committee, said in opening the hearing that he welcomed Clinton's nomination, calling her "extraordinarily capable and smart."
Meanwhile, this incredibly smart woman is apparently so stupid as to brazenly reward the donors to her husband's foundation.
Secretary of State appointee Hillary Rodham Clinton intervened at least six times in government issues directly affecting companies and others that later contributed to her husband's foundation, an Associated Press review of her official correspondence found.

The overlap of names on former President Bill Clinton's foundation donor list and business interests whose issues she championed raises new questions about potential ethics conflicts between her official actions and her husband's fundraising. The AP obtained three of the senator's government letters under the Freedom of Information Act.
So nice to see this information come out on the day of her confirmation hearing and not a moment sooner.

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