
Thursday, January 01, 2009

'Israel Is Once Again Using Air Strikes to Target Journalists'

You can't fix stupid, and this one is about as dumb as they come.
Still, recent press freedom within Gaza is restricted and dangerous.

Parts of the strip have been declared "closed military zones," most notably of which is the Gaza strip's northern boundary with Israel, which extends two miles into Israeli territory. As a result, journalists are restricted from entering the area to report on what's happening.

A more frightening assault on press freedom is repeat behavior from Israel's 2006 war with Hezbollah in Lebanon; Israel is once again using air strikes to target journalists.

On Sunday, the Gaza City headquarters of the Hamas-operated Al-Aqsa TV were bombed by Israeli Defense Forces.
Rockets raining down on innocent civilians in Israel apparently isn't frightening to this idiot. Bombing a terrorist television outlet is, however.

Coverage of this latest Israeli incursion in to Gaza has been pitifully poor and making the outrageous claim that Israel is deliberately targeting the media is just absurd.

Naturally, this piece elicits this genius from a reader.
Israel makes Gaza a huge concentration camp of 1.5 million people but America has made all of Iraq a concentration camp of 25 million people. They even have the same play book. Shoot independent journalists, bomb sewage works, blockade medical supplies, food and anything to fix the water treatment facilities to create deadly water born diseases. America has murdered more iraqis than there are Palestinians in Gaza to begin with.

I give props in the genocide stakes to the Zionists for the sheer longevity of their reign of terror but when it comes to scale the Americans death camps are second to no monsters.
At least one commenter isn't buying this BS.
Why no mention about some of the real reasons your colleagues are kept away?

Maybe its because some of them have this bad habit of having to participate in faking or exaggerating events instead of just reporting them.

Remember Reuters suspending one of their stringers for doctoring photos?

Or the faked BBC story where the reporter used one structure in a tight shot to deliberately misrepresented the extent of the damage. She led the viewer to believe it was an entire block of buildings that were bombed when it was only one. If she had pulled the camera back, it would have been obvious she was lying.

The press, especially the foreign press were absolutely in the tank for Hezbollah and I don't expect much has changed. CNN is already referring to the 350 dead as a "holocaust" and the operation itself as "barbaric". I couldn't help think of the 34,000 Jews shot dead at Babi Yar over a two day period and wonder how CNN would have described that ?

Does the name Muhammed al Dura ring a bell?

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