
Friday, January 16, 2009

Madame Tussauds Finally Unveils Wax Obama

Adoring media member puckers up for her boss

Now you too can pose with a very stiff Barack Obama. I'm surprised they didn't put a halo over the wax Obama's head.
The world is waxing poetic about Barack Obama - from Times Square to European capitals.

Madame Tussauds gave Obama an early inauguration yesterday with its unveiling of life-size wax figures - costing $260,000 each - of the president-elect at its museums on West 42nd Street, and in Berlin, London and Amsterdam.

The sculptures capture Obama's beaming grin, arms crossed across his chest, and wearing a blue suit and tie, and white shirt. They also sport watches and cuff links.

Next to the wax figures are replicas of the White House Oval Office desk. Visitors are encouraged to take the seat of power for a photo session.

"Stand face-to-face and have your historical photo taken with President Barack Obama," the Times Square museum says in its announcement. "Join us as we celebrate history in the making."
Naturally, they giver George W. Bush a kick in the pants on his way out.
In a show of whimsy, officials at the Amsterdam Tussauds placed suitcases around its wax figure of departing President Bush.
History may later judge the wax Bush in a better light.

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