
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

'Shock' Poll: Cuomo Crushing Princess Caroline

The headline says it's a shock, but is it really? As repulsive as I find Andrew 'Evil Eyes' Cuomo, he at least has official government experience as HUD Secretary and currently as New York's Attorney General.

Kennedy, you know, has, you know, zero experience.
Caroline Kennedy appears to be losing momentum in her bid for Hillary Clinton's U.S. Senate seat.

A new survey conducted by Public Policy Polling shows 58 percent of voters would prefer to see Gov. David Paterson appoint state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to the seat.

That's compared to Kennedy's 27 percent.

Among Democratic voters, Cuomo leads by about 20 points. That's about the same lead Kennedy enjoyed just a month earlier.

This revelation seems to fly in the face of various reports that have surfaced since the calendar turned to 2009. Sources close to Gov. Paterson have said repeatedly that Kennedy is close to being named as Clinton's successor.

Paterson has said the search is ongoing, but on New Year's Day he cautioned everyone vying for the position by saying whoever is chosen to replace Clinton will have to earn re-election in 2010 on his or her own merits.

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