
Friday, January 09, 2009

Stop the Presses! NOW Upset With NY Democrats

This has to be a first. All these years the lovely ladies at the National Organization for Women have studiously looked the other way when Democrats have been accused of sexual malfeasance (see Clinton, William Jefferson) while mercilessly hounding Republicans who are merely alleged to have roaming hands (see Packwood, Bob).

Now while the case of Hiram "Jagged Edge" Monserrate is limited to a brutal assault and not sexual battery, we figured the fact he's a Democrat shielded him from criticism from these pioneers of women's rights.

So imagine my shock to see this press release from the New York chapter decrying Monserrate for slashing his girlfriend while also chastising other Democrats for seating him this week.
According to a January 7, 2009 report by Daily News, a "Queens state senator who denies beating his girlfriend was caught on security cameras dragging the scared, bleeding woman from his apartment."

NOW-New York State is demanding answers from the New York State Democratic leadership. By all accounts, Hiram Monserrate, also accused of cutting his girlfriend with a broken glass, does not deserve a seat in the NYS Senate. Further, Monserratte's appointment as the Chair of the Consumer Protection Committee is a slap in the face for every woman in New York State. Does the NYS leadership really believe that rewarding Monserrate will win them points in the minds of voters?

Domestic violence is a crime. No person should be awarded a position of power while such heinous charges are pending. NOW-NYS calls upon Governor Paterson, Senator Majority Malcolm Smith, and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver to take appropriate steps to address this problem. If they do not, they are also guilty.
Oooh. Granted, the ladies are a wee bit late to this story which we first noted three weeks ago, and seevral times since, but at least they're finally paying attention to the rank odor emanating from Albany.

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