
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Surprise! Obama Backed Gay Marriage in 1996

Yeah, so he lied about it while he was running for president. Hey, they all lie, right?

So the man has zero core convictions and will do anything and say anything to get elected. What's the big deal? It's all about hopenchange, baby!
A document has emerged suggesting that Obama had taken more public, liberal stands in the past than had been revealed in the digging of reporters and opposition researchers over two years of campaigning, the latest of several pointing to a rightward shift as he moved into national politics.

In a 1996 questionnaire filled out for a Chicago gay and lesbian newspaper, then called Outlines, Obama came out clearly in favor of same-sex marriage, which he has opposed on the public record throughout his short career in national politics.

“I favor legalizing same-sex marriages,and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages,” Obama wrote in the typed, signed, statement.

There was no use of “civil unions,” and "no compromise whatsoever," the Windy City Times story today notes.

On another questionnaire the same year, Obama said he would support a resolution in support of same-sex marriage.
I'm sure the angry gay left still flipping out over Prop 8 and all the Obama supporters who voted for Prop 8 won't be the least bit confused by this news.

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