
Friday, January 09, 2009

'Twenty Bucks a Week. How Much of a Lift is That Going to Give?'

Typical liberal. He'd gladly take the twenty bucks from you rather than let you keep more of your own money. What would twenty buck buy? Dinner for a week if you shop wisely.
Democrats had little positive to say about Obama's tax cuts.

Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) was critical of a tax break for workers and their families.

"Twenty bucks a week. How much of a lift is that going to give?" he said. Nor did he sound positive about a tax break for businesses to create jobs. "If I'm a business person, it's unlikely if you give me a several thousand dollar credit that I'm going to hire people if I can't sell the products they're producing," he said.
Save this quote if you ever need a definition of supreme arrogance.

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