
Friday, January 16, 2009

Why Did Clinton Pardon March Rich? Why, The Israelis Made Him Do It

Finally, someone unearthed the "truth" behind the March Rich pardon. No, it wasn't the piles of money Denise Rich raised for Bill Clinton. It was the Jooooos, of course.

Hey, along with Bush, they're to blame for everything. So Clinton sold his soul and reputation (what little he had) and knuckled under to the evil Israelis.

Sound like total bullshit? Of course it does. But what would you expect from a boot-licking cretin like Joe Conason, a guy who spent eight years with his head wedged up Clinton's ass?
As the president mulled Rich's application, he was preoccupied with his final and most ambitious efforts to revive the Mideast peace talks that had imploded at Camp David during the summer of 2000. He was talking virtually every day with Ehud Barak, then Israel's prime minister, trying to persuade the Jewish state's leader to approve concessions to the Palestinians. That was only weeks before national elections were to take place in Israel, with Barak trailing in polls and heading toward defeat.

Echoing Barak's pleas on behalf of Rich were Clinton's old friend Shimon Peres, former Mossad director general Shabtai Shavit, and a host of other important figures in Israel and the American Jewish community. Winning the pardon was a top priority for Israeli officials because Rich had long been a financial and intelligence asset of the Jewish state, carrying out missions in many hostile countries where he did business. Although commentators in the mainstream and right-wing media have discounted this aspect of the controversy, they often seem as unfamiliar with critical facts as the average senator.

Following weeks of preparation by Clinton, the last round of serious peace talks opened in Taba, Egypt, on Jan. 21, 2001, the day after he signed the Rich pardon. Those negotiations eventually failed, yet they came closer to achieving a workable settlement than any before or since.

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