
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sneaky Back Door Gun Grab in Obama Budget?

Keep an eye out for this when Barack Obama releases his budget blueprint later this week. What these Democrats can't accomplish in the open they'll always try to slip through the back door.
"A potential legislative gun rights battle looms today in Washington, D.C.," says Washington senior rights activist John M. Snyder.

"When President Obama submits his budget blueprint this week, reports indicate the proposal may include language designed specifically to repeal the Tiahrt Amendment," says Snyder, named the senior rights activist in Washington by Shotgun News.

"This repeal is an objective long sought by gun-grabbing politicians, the anti-gun Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and other extremist groups," he added.

The Tiahrt Amendment, named for Rep. Todd Tiahrt of Kansas, is included in the annual appropriations for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives of the U.S. Justice Department. It prohibits gun-grabbing mayors and other repressive officials from obtaining federal gun trace data intended for use only for law enforcement purposes and using the data instead in harassing and costly third-party civil lawsuits against the firearms industry.

Snyder says, "Anti-right to self-defense extremists such as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and others seek to undermine law-abiding Americans' gun rights by making it more and more difficult for them to obtain the firearms they want. Repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment would further their purposes. On Friday, The New York Times editorialized for repeal.

"America's 90 million law-abiding firearm owners oppose attempts to undermine their individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms. If Obama proposes repeal of Tiahrt, tens of millions of gun-owning voters can be expected to oppose it and make their opposition reverberate in the halls of Congress. There well may be a major congressional battle soon over the issue."
The Democrats have repeatedly lost on gun issues over the years, but they'll never give up trying to disarm the law-abiding public.

Some folks remember what happened the last time Democrats went all out against gun rights and the NRA. It wasn't pretty. Do they Democrats want to revisit that disaster?

Linked at Instapundit and Ace of Spades. Thanks!

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