
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blame the Weather: Unemployment Claims 'Unexpectedly' Surge

Yeah, it's the weather or something.
Initial claims for U.S. state unemployment benefits rose by an unexpected 51,000 to 454,000 in the January 22 week, a level not seen since the October 30 week of last year when claims came in at 459,000, the U.S. Labor Department reported Thursday.

A Labor Department analyst said the large increase in seasonally adjusted claims was due to two reasons. The first is the "normal" seasonal factor volatility, the second is that four states reported an increase in claims "that was due to snow effects."
Much easier to blame the weather rather than Obama's failed economic policies. But the state of the union is strong or something. It'll be curious what kind of snow job the media will come up with when the weather improves and job numbers do not.

Curious how this was the same excuse used last February.


  1. uncledan10:23 AM

    "It'll be curious what kind of snow job the media will come up with when the weather improves and job numbers do not."

    No need to be curious! Just look at the last two years when they played this EXACT SAME GAME.

    Fact is, we're heading into 25 months of Progressive Liberal EPIC FAIL.

  2. Hal (GT)12:36 PM

    Glad to see someone else looking at that weather claim and going, "Sure.  *DONT_KNOW*  "

  3. drfredc1:08 PM

    What a snow job POS.   The reality is more like the BLUE STATE FLU hasn't quite reached the dry heaves just yet.  Blue State taxes, rules and regulations puke out some more jobless ....  

      Let it not be unmentioned that the Obamacrats solution is to stuff a few more freshly printed dollars down the Blue State union stomaches to postpone the dry heaves until after 2012 elections.... 

  4. nicholas shaw7:22 PM

    I'm more curious to know how people who quit their jobs because of the weather qualify for unemployment benefits? Here's another thought, with so many taking snow days off work and school, how is it that more people can best the weather to make it to the unemployment office?


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