
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Great News: Tracy Morgan Escalates His Creepy Obsession With Palin

I'm sure the pinheads at the FAG SAG Awards roared hysterically as the obviously infatuated Tracy Morgan gets his jollies again. The suits at NBC must be so proud.
Tracy Morgan has gone rogue.

The comedian gave his second racy shout-out to Sarah Palin this week on Sunday night, when he stopped on the red carpet at the SAG Awards to chat with E! host Giuliana Rancic.

"Sarah Palin, you're the hottest MILF in the world!" Morgan shouted, referencing the raunchy acronym coined in the 1999 teen comedy "American Pie."

Morgan was winking at his own controversial comment on Thursday night, when he called the "Going Rogue" author and onetime Vice Presidential candidate "good masturbation material" in an on-air segment during an NBA broadcast for TNT.
He must be aching for a Facebook shoutout from Palin. I doubt he'll be getting one.

This is likely a career move for Morgan. The next job he loses he can just blame it on Palin.

Update: It's hard to believe that the use of "FAG" has to be explained, but for the clueless out there, here you go.

Thanks to Hot Air for the link.


  1. el polacko3:55 AM

    ...and your juvenile F*G 'joke' is different from what morgan has said exactly how ?......

  2. southernsue6:42 AM

    i will vote for sarah in 2012, should she run.

    these comedians, on the left, are now starting to run for office. how dangerous is that, for our country? not only do we have a clown in the white house, but we are now seeing the left electing comedians to office.

    this is a dangerous time in our history and we have clowns running our United States, who have no clue what they are doing or they are intentionaly tearing the USA down.

  3. Princetrumpet8:48 AM

    Maybe he'll get a personal visit from Todd. I'd pay to see that.

  4. Princetrumpet8:48 AM

    Maybe he'll get a personal visit from Todd. I'd pay to see that.

  5. Shane8:48 AM

    Hollywood has turned into PURE EVIL!!!!!

  6. jammiewearingfool9:11 AM

    See the update. Hard to imagine why that has to be explained.

  7. inspector19:38 AM

    What a pathetic little punk. What do you expect fron hellywood!

  8. Jim Temple10:38 AM

    I guess that, since he didn't get called on the original statement, why not just pile on.

  9. Oliver Klozoff11:14 AM

    "It's hard to believe that the use of "FAG" has to be explained,"

    Really?  It's hard to believe that both
    1) Everyone has seen this crappy movie
    2) Everyone will remember this reference?

    Come ON, dude.

  10. jammiewearingfool11:25 AM

    Maybe you should go watch it. You probably come off a lot like the Matt Damon character.

  11. Hahahahahahah!  I love the smell of bunched knickers in the late morning.  FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG

    Jiminy christmas, some people are humorless, dour fussbudgets.

  12. I'm at a loss here:
    I've heard of Spencer Tracy, Dick Tracy, and even Tracy Lords (wink), BUT ...
    WTH is a Tracy Morgan?

    And perhaps more importantly, why should anyone care?


  13. potvin11:54 AM

    Morgan's just another ignorant, no nothing noisy nigger. You know, like Obama.

  14. potvin11:56 AM

    Morgan's just another ignorant, no nothing noisy nigga. You know, like Obama.

  15. potvin12:06 PM

    Morgan's just an ignorant, know nothing noisy nigga. Like Obama.

  16. Laura Bradfield12:08 PM

    The man is a sicko with the manners of a dog in heat, Let him spew trash out of his mouth in solitude.

  17. 'Jim' 'Treacher'4:37 PM

    Says the guy who didn't get the joke...


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