
Friday, January 21, 2011

Low-Rated Gasbag Out at MessNBC

He won't be missed
Keith Olbermann has just ended his Friday night episode of Countdown–and apparently ended his run as host of the show on MSNBC. The host thanked his Countdown staff and team at MSNBC, read a poem and bid viewers farewell, tossing his papers toward the camera for the “final time,” and saying “Good night, and good luck.”

MSNBC released a statement moments ago reading, in full:

“MSNBC and Keith Olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” will be this evening. MSNBC thanks Keith for his integral role in MSNBC’s success and we wish him well in his future endeavors.”
Perhaps this will help with the new age of civility. One less hate-filled maniac polluting the airwaves.

The lunatics at the House of Hate are besides themselves. The loons commenting at the Huffington Post are already blustering about canceling cable. Conspiracy kooks are frothing.

These people have really empty lives.

More here, with rather amusing comments. Here's a gem:
They have GOT to be kidding! Olbermann IS MSNBC!!!! This will NOT stand! Keith has MILLIONS of loyal viewers who would not miss a minute of his program. MSNBC is asking for TROUBLE! There will be PROTESTS! There will be a BOYCOTT! This is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!
Asking for trouble? Why, that sounds like hateful, incendiary rhetoric.

Judging by comments on the lefty sites, Comcast is already more more evil than Halliburton and Blackwater combined.


  1. nicholas shaw9:46 PM

    Hil-freaking-larious, Comcast gets the "go" and Bathtub Boy gets the boot (well, got out before the boot reached him anyway) practically the same day. And "his integral role in MSNBC's success"? I nearly spewed! How soon before the rest of the raving band of looneytoons face the axe? Who wants to bet that Mr. Tingley will have to be pried out of his chair?

  2. nicholas shaw9:48 PM

    Hil-freaking-larious, Comcast gets the "go" and Bathtub Boy gets the boot (well, got out before the boot reached him anyway) practically the same day. And "his integral role in MSNBC's success"? I nearly spewed! How soon before the rest of the raving band of looneytoons face the axe? Who wants to bet that Mr. Tingley will have to be pried out of his chair?

  3. Jon197910:39 PM

    What's going to be even more fun is in the days to come, when the behind-the-scenes gossip starts to leak out. Staffers at ESPN pretty much held a parade through Bristol when Olbermann was canned 15 years ago, and there was no love lost around MSNBC when Olby left to go to Fox Sports after his first stint with the network.

    But unlike when the facts about Keith's personality came out at ESPN, his "Countdown" supporters see big busniess, right-wing conspiracies when they can't get their favorite rasin danish at Starbucks in the morning -- all the detals here are going to just make them even more sure that somehow Comcast was in league with Sarah Palin, Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh to pull the (new tone non-approved) trigger on Olby.

  4. hurtin111:26 PM

    While this is great fun for schadenfreude purposes, I'm not really pleased about this. Olbermann is too high profile to remain untapped by the paper-pushing promoters who pass for programming directors nowadays. It's better that his insanity was contained to MSNBC.

  5. Fenway_Nation11:30 PM

    So sorry to hear that you're out of a job,'s a little ditty in your honor:

    As much as I'm enjoying the schadenfreude, this is kind of like when the Colombians whacked Pablo Escobar after much bloodshed and effort on their part- as good as it might feel, you know that somebody more wily and subtle is going to step in and fill the void...

  6. Jon Brooks1:07 AM

    Bye Bye hatemonger ogyldork!!

  7. Sung Chun2:05 AM

    But you have to admit, Comcast must be dumber than a brick.  They just bought MSNBC, a network that has chosen to define itself as THE liberal network.  They've just alienated their core audience--even if it's tiny, it's all they've got.  From a business perspective, I would be one pissed off shareholder.  Hope Immelt locked in a good price for the Comcast shares he got, because otherwise he's going to be one unhappy camper come Monday when the market crushes Comcast.

  8. Jones2:20 AM

    I can't imagine who would hire this putz after this

    there's liberal
    there's leftwing
    and then there's Keith Olberman, camped out at The Edge of Reality

  9. Just A Grunt6:42 AM

    Two words: Randi Rhodes

  10. Mister Snitch8:17 AM

    <p>One thing that was nice about this clown was that he really identified, in stark relief, the real flaming yahoos out there. Like the 'amusing comments' you point out. Too bad there was no way to round them up and set them adrift on their own little island.
    </p><p>I have to wonder if Comcast really plans on keeping MSNBC in ANY capacity, or simply folding it. If they're folding it, then obviously they'll get rid of or reassign everyone. But if they are keeping it, the only reason they'd get rid of Olbermann is because they couldn't stand him. Which is understandable. No one but a flying, flaming asshole would watch this pathetic, endlessly pandering loser.

  11. Mister Snitch8:18 AM

    <p>One thing that was nice about this clown was that he really identified, in stark relief, the real flaming yahoos out there. Like the 'amusing comments' you point out. Too bad there was no way to round them up and set them adrift on their own little island.
    </p><p>I have to wonder if Comcast really plans on keeping MSNBC in ANY capacity, or simply folding it. If they're folding it, then obviously they'll get rid of or reassign everyone. But if they are keeping it, the only reason they'd get rid of Olbermann is because they couldn't stand him. Which is understandable. No one but a flying, flaming asshole would watch this pathetic, endlessly pandering loser.

  12. skeneogden11:01 AM

    "millions of loyal viewers"? Loyal viewer maybe. Hopefully Olby will start taking his medication again.

  13. I thought "House of Hate" was a new website.  

    But it is a fitting description of them

    As for Keiffy....  oh well.


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