Sunday, December 10, 2006

Brookhiser: Why Rudy's Right

Based on some of his social positions, it's a given Rudy Giuliani won't be viewed in pro-life circles as the ideal candidate in 2008. Though as I've believed for several years now, there really is one issue that stands above all: national security. Without which, nothing else matters.

With that in mind, Richard Brookhiser opines on what makes Giuliani the best choice in 2008.

It's a long piece, but well worth reading. Do not dismiss Rudy because of social issues. The alternative could be disastrous.

Speaking of which, some letters to the editor today provide all you need to know about the junior senator from New York. Check out this from someone who drinks the Clinton Kool-Aid by the gallon:

Is the world ready for a woman president? I sure hope so.

Do we like her? We love her.

I think Clinton is smart, beautiful and tough. She could be just what the doctor ordered.

Let's not think of Clinton as a woman. Let's think of her as the best candidate we have, which is not to say she should win by default. Clinton can win because she has the "it" quality. Just watch her and listen to her. If that doesn't convince you, she sleeps next to one of the greatest presidents I've seen in a long time.

Bill Clinton for consigliere? I'd vote for them.

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