Thursday, February 15, 2007

More Global Warming, Please

Another denier speaks out today, with the nerve to tell us that Global Warming Is Our Friend.
Most scientists agree that the planet is today about one degree Celsius warmer than it was a century ago, but so what? In North America winters are still miserable, and frankly even in border-state climes such as Washington it can remain chilly right up to mid-May. No one can count on dinner at an outdoor cafe until June, and it was not until mid-June that President Bill Clinton would forsake his tricky indoor recreations for his beloved golf course. Now it is rumored that the forthcoming report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will predict that its earlier reports of global warming were exaggerated.

Thus, we might all ask why the opponents of global warming are so hysterical. Basically they are led by the same environmentalists who have been so wrong in the past, and they are always hysterical. In the 1970s they predicted a coming global ice age and overpopulation that would give us all claustrophobia by the end of the twentieth century. They predicted a depletion of resources that would lead to global recession. Their solution has always been the same, hand the government over to them. In fact, if they control the debate over global warming as they hope they will, they envisage governing the world and ending global warming by taxation and limiting the use of fossil fuel worldwide.

UPDATE: LGFer ggt alerted me to another column in a series from the great Thomas Sowell: Global Hot Air: Part III.
Remember how the unusually large number of hurricanes a couple of years ago was hyped in the media as being a result of global warming, with more such hurricanes being predicted to return the following year and the years thereafter?

But, when not one hurricane struck the United States all last year, the media had little or nothing to say about the false predictions they had hyped. It's heads I win and tails you lose.

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