Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Stop With the Good News Already!

"What's good news for America is bad news for Democrats" has never been more relevant than with the recent news of things going much better in Iraq. Since the Democrats have invested so heavily in our defeat, they face a major credibility problem when we win, so they are pulling out all stops to help ensure our defeat.

Wes Pruden rips them apart in the Washington Times today. Some parts hilarious, some infuriating, but a good read nonetheless.

When Good News is Awful News
It's not easy to pimp surrender, but some of our congressional and media worthies are giving it their best shot.

It won't be easy. Nobody but the loons think quitters, fakers, surrender monkeys and pessimists of various stripes are good custodians of the national interests, and the men and women who read the newspapers and magazines and watch the television newscasts are smarter than the men and women who write and preen for them. Americans are fed up with the Iraq war not because they think resisting jihad is wrong, but because they think the leaders at the top may not necessarily be serious about winning without apology. Anthony McAuliffe, who answered the German demand for surrender at Bastogne with "nuts" (if not something a little saltier), is the kind of general Americans admire most.

The risks for Democratic doom-criers are becoming evident. The accumulating evidence of progress, little by little, is changing public opinion. Media opinion will follow, slowly as always, and the sluggard notabilities of press and screen will be tugged -- "kicking and screaming," as the liberals once said of conservatives -- into reality. The Democrats in Congress, like the embittered losers on the left, will be left behind on the other side of the famous bridge to the 21st century.
Still, no amount of evidence will change their minds, so expect in the next month for our enemies both domestic and abroad to step up their efforts. Otherwise, we'll be seeing fear and loathing from the likes of Nancy Boyda and Jim Clyburn.
Nevertheless and grudging or not, things are reported to be better than they used to be, and seem to be getting a little better every day. It's enough to make a partisan Democrat weep. Some are. Nancy Boyda of Kansas, a freshman in the House, was so unnerved by good news from the front that she stalked out of a committee hearing when a retired general described developments in Iraq as encouraging. ood news like that, she said, only "further divides the country."G Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, the Democratic majority House whip, was even more revealing: If things improve in Iraq, that would be "a real problem for us."
Read the whole thing.

Meanwhile, speaking of doom and gloom, I've always been a great admirer of New Gingrich, but lately he's been getting on my nerves. Maybe he understands he has no chance at ever being President (for reasons that should be obvious to most) and is just lashing out in frustration. But for the longest time he's rubbed me the wrong way by fawning over Mrs. Bill Clinton, and this goes back a decade.

Now, 15 months from the 2008 election, he's telling us to get used to the idea that this abomination is going to be President, and we should just get used to it.

Way to rally the troops, Newt. Nothing like sending the message of defeat and helping depress turnout. Someone as astute a political observer such as yourself should realize 15 months can be a lifetime in politics, so how about helping the cause by pointing out her many deficiencies and helping out the team by throwing your support behind the GOP candidates who have a shot? Is that too much to ask for?

Says Newt: "Odds are significant" the Democrats win the White House
If you're a betting man, you have to like Democrats' chances of taking over the White House next year, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said early this morning.

"The odds are fairly significant that that the left will win next year. My personal bet is that it'll be a Clinton-Obama ticket. I think they have a very high likelihood of winning," Gingrich told business leaders at a gathering of the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce.
Great, a ready-made commercial for the Democrats.
This from a fellow who, just three months ago, was fending off scores of when-will-you-announce questions about his own presidential aspirations. Gingrich didn't address the question directly on Monday.

But politicians chomping at the bit to run have three things in common: A slimmed-down figure, a tan suitable for TV cameras, and well-coiffed hair. Maybe not John Edwards-style hair, but well-barbered nonetheless.

Perhaps it was the 7 a.m. hour, but Gingrich had none of these. He was, however, very sober when it came to the GOP dilemma
Read the rest. He does quantify things by appropriately noting the gap between now and November 2008, but please, let's be a little more positive.

Now I'm not saying we should be blindly optimistic and set ourselves up for defeat, but when I look at the Democrat candidates, there really is nobody there who so greatly inspires the masses. I understand that 99% of the media is carrying water for them and for that reason alon the GOP faces an uphill battle.

But if you want to be helpful to the party, Newt, why don't you come out and scrutinize them more than you do the GOP?

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