Wednesday, September 05, 2007

More Results of Communism

Zimbabwe continues to implode under the effects of communism.

Zimbabwe flour shortage warning
Zimbabwe's main bread producer has warned it only has two days' supply of flour, state media have reported.

The company, Lobels Bread, said a flour shortage had already forced it to scale back its operations by 80%.

Reports say 36,000 tonnes of imported wheat are blocked in a Mozambican port owing to foreign exchange shortages.

A foreign currency crisis caused inflation to rise to 7,638% in July. Government price controls have been blamed for worsening shortages.
How did this occur? It all started with Robert Mugabe confiscating private property and giving it to his buddies years ago. And then he ran the printing presses to pay for "free" health care and "free" education for everyone.

The Democrats call this "income redistribution".

UPDATE: Betsy Newmark weighs in.

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