The reference ColoDem makes to "subscribing" is an effort to feed the ego of little Kommandante Markos. He's put together a three-year re-education program for future members of the Kooky Kult of Koslam's Ministry of Propaganda. Apparently, the idea is to sucker his psychophants into financing it, rather than continue forking over some of his profits - profits generated by the volunteer efforts of the proletariat.
In a classic example of self-gratification, the little kommandante put some braggadocio on display.
Some people had questions about the subscription drive. Here's some answers:$300,000/6=$50,000. How's that for respecting their privacy?
Q: Should we be worried about the financial health of the site?
No. The site operates at very healthy profit margins. That's why I've been able to fund five fellows out of my own pocket, with real salaries, not the crap many in the progressive movement get. If the site faced a serious funding shortfall, "laying off" the fellows would be a first line of defense. But that's not even a concern at this point.
Q. How much do fellows get paid?
I respect the privacy of the fellows, so I won't share that information except to say that it's very competitive with the private sector, or way, way better than what is typical in the non-profit sector. I will also say that this year, I will spend over $300,000 of site revenues supporting the program. Without getting into the specific of site revenues, let me just say that this is the largest, by far, line item on my budget. And I am committed to maintaining at least that much next year.
UPDATE from JWF: Shocka! Lieberman won't respond to the little guy.
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