Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Troofer: Cheney to Blow Up Bay Bridge

The idiot is convinced. Some serious mental illness here.

Cue the Twilight Zone theme.
Having been a 911 truth activist for 5 years, I have serious suspicions about the Bay Bridge being closed for entire 4 days.

There has been a lot of threats of terrorist attacks coming form the government. Looks like they are preparing the public. Or else it could be their usual scare tactics.

On the other hand, Bush’s term is coming to an end. The public is pushing to ban voting machines. The power of the Bush administration is deteriorating with major figures resigning, almost daily scandals on the news and constant threat of impeachment. Their only weapon is fear, it’s their last hope. I can see them really desperately needing a terrorist attack in the near future. 911 did them a great deal of good. 911 was, of course, the work of the Bush administration, the Pentagon, and others connected tightly to the Bush administration. Osama had no authority to put the US Airforce on stand down. He would have never been able to rig the World Trade Center with explosives. If you still have doubts about 911 please watch Loose Change at www.loosechange911.com

About 2 weeks before Sept. 11, 2001 electricity was shut down at the World Trade Center. That allowed “the terrorists” to bring in explosives past the security gates. Guess who was in charge of security at the World Trade Center at that time? Marvin Bush, yes, Bush’s brother. He also replaced the entire security personnel at the WTC a few weeks prior to 911.
Have another hit, dude.

Also at Right Wing News, PoliPundit.

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