
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Missing Atlantic City Mayor to Resign

The strange saga of disgraced Atlantic City Mayor Bob Levy may soon come to an end, although the Democrat who embellished his military record has still yet to surface.

Atlantic City Mayor to Resign After Disappearing From Sight
The mayor of Atlantic City called in sick to work a week and half ago and has since disappeared. Now, many residents are under the impression Mayor Robert Levy will resign this week, a city official who doesn't want to be named told FOX News.

With the resignation, "this circus will come to an end," the official told Craig Rivera of "Geraldo at Large" Saturday night. The strange case of the missing mayor began when new information was revealed that suggests Levy lied about his military service and has been falsely collecting military benefits.

The official said a federal investigation is close to concluding that Levy illegally took military benefits he wasn't entitled to receive, and a plea deal is currently being worked out with prosecutors.

The Press of Atlantic City was first to check out Levy's accounts that he was a 20-year Army veteran with two Bronze stars and two tours of duties in Vietnam. The newspaper learned that Levy lied when he said he was a Green Beret, and used the false claim to bump up his veterans' benefits payments by about $25,000.

The allegedly phony soldier has said he should've corrected the record years ago.

"Just something that occurred, you know ... just something that occurred and I am sorry for having it done," he told reporters recently.

But on Sept. 26, Levy got into his city-issued Dodge Durango and drove off. A Levy spokesman issued a statement saying the mayor was going on indefinite medical leave, and an aide said he's in the hospital, but few people seem to know where or for how long he's been seeking medical care.

The reason behind the hideout may be because Levy's lawyer, who would help orchestrate his resignation, has been out of the country and is expected to return Monday.
I notice the New York Times finally got around to mentioning this story Saturday, burying his party affiliation in the thirteenth paragraph. Well, they did mention it at least.

Previously: Another Phony War Hero? Atlantic City's Democrat Mayor Goes AWOL

Have You Seen This Missing Democrat?

Atlantic City Mayor Still Missing, Party Affiliation Remains a Mystery

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has more.

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