Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Did ISAF Commander in Afghanistan Convert to Islam?

This is a most bizarre story which I haven't seen reported anywhere until now, and I'm wondering how much truth there is to it and what the possible ramifications are.
The US commander of International Security Assistance Force in the Andar district of Ghazni Province in Afghanistan has embraced Islam.

The commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) embraced Islam in the presence of 2,000 people on Thursday.

Cap. Cormier Michel - 45 - commands 300 ISAF troops in the Taliban-infested district. The Ghazni governor, district chief, provincial council members, local officials, elders, ISAF soldiers and students attended a ceremony marking the commander's conversion to Islam.

The ceremony, which lasted well over three hours, concluded with chants of 'Allah-o-Akbar (Allah is Great).

Cap. Michel, who changed his name to Abdul Wahed, started his brief speech with Bismillah (In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful). During the last five years, Abdul Wahed pointed out, he had been studying Islamic books and he concluded that Islam is the first religion.

Islam is a religion of peace and brotherhood, but terrorists and extremists are bringing a bad name to it," he noted.
The Midnight Sun notes this, as does Right Truth. A search for Cormier turned up Michael Cormier in this story out of Afghanistan, who may indeed be the same man.

H/T Daphne.

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