Friday, January 18, 2008


I hope all you foreigners out there are paying close attention to me when I reveal that Britain has now solved the problem concerning Islamic terrorism. Yes, after all those years since 9/11, Britain can now step forward and show the rest of the world how to resolve the issue.

In future, the British government will define all Islamic terrorism as.... anti-Islamic terrorism. Read the details here if you think I am kidding.

As you know, last year Britain signalled it was abandoning the expression "the war on terror" and this is what it has come up with an alternative. So, the next time some ardent followers of the ROP detonate themselves in one of our major cities you can relax, confident that this is in fact anti-Islamic terrorism and that Islam is really the VICTIM here. God help us with these dhimmis in power.

Cross posted on A TANGLED WEB

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