This is a speech Fred gave five days after the attack on Sep 11th. This is why he should be the next president.
It sounds like folks have put so much distance between the events of that day in their minds that an open border candidate like McCain can rise to the lead in polls in New Hampshire. New Hampshire, a state which lost many people on that fateful day seems to have blocked out the horrible events of that day.
I don't hold out much hope for Fred in NH, although I do hope for a good showing. I am making an appeal to those voters in South Carolina, those who remember a time when the slogan down south and visible on more then one license plate was "Hell no, I won't forget".
Out of this crop of slick talking, expensively-dressed politicians, Fred continues to be plain spoken, speaking the truth, even to those who don't want to hear it. So here it is. Fred five days after the destruction of the World Trade Center.
Larwyn’s Linx: The Demowhigs’ Race to Extinction
13 hours ago
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