Monday, January 14, 2008

Racism? Sexism? It's OK, They're Liberals

It's most amusing watching the media contortions over the charges of of racism and sexism flying back and forth between the leading Democrat candidates.
Expressions of sexism and racism emerging from the contest between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have been blatant, subtle and perhaps sometimes imagined, and they are renewing the national debate over what is and isn't acceptable to say in public.

Clinton's camp has perceived sexism in comments about her appearance and emotions. Supporters of Obama have complained about racial overtones in remarks about his Muslim-sounding middle name, Hussein, and his acknowledged drug use as a young man.

Beyond the back-and-forth between a white woman and a black man seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, the situation has created a snapshot of the nation's sensitivity — or lack thereof — to certain kinds of comments. Is it more acceptable, for instance, to make a sexist remark than a racist remark?
Well, no, it isn't.

Neither are acceptable. Now, however, it's apparently perfectly fine for the left-leaning media so long as it's two sacred cows flinging the charges back and forth.

Of course, this narrative also sets up what you can guarantee will be a vicious, coordinated media assault on whoever the GOP nominates.

Any utterance even slightly perceived to be racist or sexist by the Republican candidate will be completely blown out of all proportions.

Mark it down.
Feminist leader Gloria Steinem, argued in a New York Times op-ed last week that gender is "probably the most restricting force in American life" — more so than race.
That's pure twaddle. Women in American society have far surpassed women around the globe in advancements both socially and professionally.

There are, however, some racial divisions, and it's all one-sided from where I'm sitting. The Democrat Party has made racial politics, divisiveness and pandering an art form.

Anyone accused of racism is frozen, trance-like, left to disprove a negative in nearly every case. The fact the media gives the bullhorn to racial racketeers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson does nothing to heal whatever racial divide there might be.
Certainly, Clinton's gender has been the spark for criticism, verbal and otherwise, of a sort that Obama has avoided. Available on the Internet are a Hillary nutcracker (the Clinton-like figure cracks nuts between her legs) and a Hillary toilet brush (the sales pitch: "You can have Hillary Clinton as your 'First Cleaning Lady.'")

Clinton's wardrobe, figure, hairdo — even her laugh — have generated detailed and often unflattering commentary.
True that. And I've done my fair share. But never for a second has it been because she's a woman.

I dislike her, her husband, her politics, the people they associate themselves with and the policies they propose purely on ideological grounds. The fact she's a woman is purely coincidental.

That I poke fun at her appearance is my prerogative. It's not as if politics has ever been free of people poking fun at their opponents.

Read the rest of the story. They dredge up the usual misinterpreted material about Rush Limbaugh, another sure sign of journalistic laziness.

Expect the media and Democrat obsession on race and sex to continue, and as the general election unfolds, watch how ugly it gets, all from one side.

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